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2° General States of Industrial Heritage
Rome · Tivoli   June, 9·11 2022


The 2nd States General of the Industrial Heritage will take place from 9 to 11 June 2022 in Rome and Tivoli. During the three days there will be activities related to different areas of the event:
- plenary sessions of the congress / keynote lecture;
- parallel sessions of the congress, in which the scientific paper received will be presented;
- thematic panels, in which specific topic in the field of industrial heritage will be discussed;
- workshops and creative contests, in which dissemination activities and awarding will take place.

The congress will take place in Rome and Tivoli:

School of Engineering of the University of Rome «La Sapienza»
Via Eudossiana 18, Roma

Santuario di Ercole Vincitore (Istituto Villa Adriana e Villa d'Este - VILLAE, MiC)
Via degli Stabilimenti 5, Tivoli

The round-trip transfer Rome-Tivoli by bus will be arranged by the congress organization.

Thematic areas and sessions


Important dates


Instructions and format

General programme




Keynote speakers

Registration fee


Instruction for the registration






Organizing committee

Sapienza University of Rome | School of Engineering

Department of Civil Building and Environmental Engineering DICEA
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 | Roma


Congresso organizzato da:

AIPAI Logo esteso.jpg

In collaborazione con:

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