AIPAI is the official representative of TICCIH for Italy
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2° General States of Industrial Heritage
Rome · Tivoli June 9·11, 2022

The Italian Association for Industrial Archaeological Heritage – AIPAI organizes and promotes
the 2nd General States of Industrial Heritage, which will take place in Rome from 9 to 11 June 2022.
Celebrating 25 years of commitment regarding the census, knowledge, protection, and enhancement of industrial heritage, AIPAI calls scholars, administrations, institutions responsible for conservation and protection, planners, associations, tour operators, and all those involved in the vast endeavour in this still-young area of heritage.
International Congress | Call for papers
Contemporary territories and cities are innervated by the signs of production and work: from those imprinted in the post-industrial landscape to those recognizable in the organization, aspirations and criticalities of our contemporary society. They are the visible effects of a very near past, impossible to overlook because of the cultural, economic, social and environmental challenges of the presents and the coming years.
Therefore, the recovery of the Industrial Heritage is strategic and it passes through the recognition of industrial heritage's values which leads to the emergence of conspicuous deposits of memory able to help to understand possible ways and structures of the society and contemporary man, thanks to the affirmation and spreading of Industrial Archaeology's methods.
It is a process of collective enrichment that makes even clearer the urgent need to disseminate the tools of investigation, reading and protection that have been the prerogative of Industrial Archaeology's founding disciplines from the very beginning, starting with the historical, economic, architectural, technological and industrial ones, to which over the years new and essential sensitivities have been added, like those concerning landscape characteristics and sanitary and environmental qualities of post-industrial territories
The 2nd General States of Industrial Heritage are organized by AIPAI and DICEA - Department of Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering and promoted by AIPAI, DICEA, and TICCIH Italy.
The congress vision is broad-based and aims to offer a plural context for sharing studies, methodologies, good practices, and experiences. This vision is represented by the 11 thematic areas which invite the authors to broad considerations, that involve not only the classic sectors of Industrial Archeology but also all the current main issues of Industrial Heritage. Finally, the numerous sessions propose specific insights able to be integrated by those that will arise from the participants' submissions.
AREA 1. Historical machines and production cycles of the industrial heritage
AREA 2. Cities and Industrial territories
AREA 3. Landscapes of production
AREA 4. Infrastructure and urban heritage
AREA 5. Construction for industry: technological innovation and experimentation with materials, techniques, and procedures
AREA 6. Memory of industry and work
AREA 7. History and work culture
AREA 8. Restoration, conservation, and recovery
AREA 9. Reuse and regeneration practices
AREA 10. Image and industry communication
AREA 11. Industrial tourism: experiences of use and mobility
Scientific committee | Executive board of AIPAI
Chair of the committee: Edoardo Currà | President of AIPAI
Carolina Lussana | Vice president of AIPAI
Antonio Monte | Vice president of AIPAI
Manuel Ramello | Vice president of AIPAI
Renato Covino | Past president of AIPAI
Giovanni Luigi Fontana | Past president of AIPAI
Massimo Preite | International representative of AIPAI
Laura Severi | Secretary of AIPAI
Martina Russo | Treasurer of AIPAI
Francesco Antoniol
Massimo Bottini
Alessandra Brignola
Maria Carcasio
Maria Elena Castore
David Celetti
Sara De Maestri
Marina Docci
Vittoria Ferrandino
Jacopo Ibello
Amedeo Lepore
Franco Mancuso
Rossella Maspoli
Claudio Menichelli
Cristina Natoli
Antonello Pagliuca
Cesira Paolini
Marco Parini
Eugenio Rogano
Silvia Tardella
Rita Vecchiattini
Augusto Vitale
Ilaria Zilli
Organizing committee
Edoardo Currà, Marina Docci, Martina Russo, Laura Severi, Palmina Trabocchi
Media and Communication
Luca Borghini, Elena Castore, Lidia Giusto, Martina Russo, Laura Severi, Silvia Tardella
Organizing committee
Sapienza University of Rome | School of Engineering
Department of Civil Building and Environmental Engineering DICEA
Via Eudossiana 18, 00184 | Roma
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